Momentum breaking during sports games, Refs determining high school games
November 17, 2020
Ok, so I do not want to complain or bash every ref out there, but I think we all know and can agree that reffing can be a little rough sometimes.
You are playing the sport you love to play. It’s the RIVAL GAME of your season, the team that you look for on the schedule when you first get it. It’s the game that has a car ride full of adrenaline on the way there, and the one your practices and every game before is geared at preparing for.
So, there you are, playing the game, adrenaline rushing, and then it begins.
Refs making bad/wrong calls.
There goes the momentum of the game.
In its place.
Talking back.
Bad game.
Upset coaches.
Bad reffing, or even good reffing, DOES affect the mood in the air during the game on the field and off.
If you play a sport, I know you know the exact frustration and emotions I am talking about. Let’s just say it’s pretty easy to get mad super-fast.
I know that it is really important to try and not let the refs get to your head during a game, and just play the way you practice, and know how to play but it does get quite aggravating over time. One bad call, it’s no big deal, but consistent bad calls and that is a different story.
Consistency matters. When one team gets a call that the other did not, or one team gets way more calls than another for reasoning that no one on the field or in the stands can figure out. That is really where it starts. Fairness.
I’m not trying to say that refs should be perfect, no one is. And not ALL refs are bad. But I also don’t think asking for a fairly reffed game is something so outrageous.
All in all, bad reffing has a domino effect. A dirty played game can arise, talking back from players, yelling coaches, and yellow cards. It just never ends well.
Instead, leave preconceived expectations on the sidelines and call the game as it’s played. Fair and square.