Its just dyed hair…
November 19, 2020
The procedures, the chemicals, the application, the washing, and then the reveal. Hair dye is one of the many things that I use regularly.
From a deep blue to fluffy white then to half green half black, my hair color has been through many changes.
Hair dye always comes with a long list of instructions, but there are only about three steps, combine the solutions, slap it on your head, and wait a few minutes before washing it out.
Now hair dye is not all hardcore like some people think it is. Yes, maybe it can cause you to get third-degree burns but that’s ok, right? But in all seriousness gloves are perfect for protecting your hands from dye and chemicals. The application being the most fun is simple, just make sure you cover every spot!
Now give your hair a little rinse and finally, it’s time for the big reveal! The best part, you get to see your nice and fresh hair and rock your hair until you decide to switch the color up again. Now that you know how easy and simple hair dye is let’s get to the darker side.
Even though dyed hair sounds all fun and dandy, it comes with some cons. The stares, and the questions and the “oh, I would NEVER let my child do that to themselves” and the “Well, why would you do that?”
Because I can.
But when I dyed my hair I didn’t know I signed up for this hate against my hair. It is completely insane how someone can treat someone differently because their hair is colorful.
It is a pretty sad state of affairs when society falls this deep into discrimination over colored hair, and it needs to stop. DYE your hair and stand up to the discrimination. My dyed hair friends and I are no longer taking the heat.
Everything about this discrimination against people with their hair dyed is so mind-blowingly stupid that I’m concluding that maybe employers and old cranky people are just scared of dyed hair. If they’re scared of hair dye, just wait until they find out about guys painting their nails.