Take off your mask, show yourself, Do not be afraid to try


Why do we wear it?

     We all do it. We all put on that stupid mask to cover up our real faces, even I do it and fall for the tricks.

     And by a mask, I do not mean a medical or cloth face mask to protect us from COVID or other illnesses. I mean a metaphorical mask that is hiding our true selves, protecting us from what we are afraid of most.

     Do not say that you do not put on a mask, because we all do it, and as much as you deny it, deep down you know I am right.

   We wear a mask because we are hiding from something that will make people judge us, we also wear them when we feel fear or pressure.

     Do we also wear them when we are afraid, feel that people can’t connect with us, or have a past we do not want people to find out about? Yes, yes, and yes, all these things are true, whether each one applies to you or not.

     I do not know which reason you wear your mask, but I do know that there is some reason you are wearing one. But we must push all of the reasons aside and take off our masks and show our true selves.

     It is important that we take off these masks, we must show our true selves. The longer we wear these masks the more we are hurting ourselves.

     We all have this need to have someone that truly understands us and truly loves us for who we are. But we worry that people will not like us for who we are.

     Fear. It is holding us back. 

     I know everything in life can be scary, even losing our masks. But we must do it, we must take them off.

     When you take off your mask it leaves you vulnerable, but that is okay. Do you know why? Because you are finally showing your true self, and this means that friends will see you and pick you up. They will be there for you and support you.

     By dropping your mask, you are letting all your burdens go and living your life freely and happily.

     Be willing to take the risk, do not be afraid to fail, and trust me we all fail. But the most important thing to do is not to give up but to get up and try again.

     Let yourself be open and free and show everyone how great and fantastic you are.

     I know how hard this is going to be, but I will be right along with you dropping my mask with you. I want to be happy and free, and I am sure that you do too.

     So, as I said, take off that mask, show your real self, and do not be afraid!