Bites, great whites, not polite; Pollution causes shark attacks


 According to scientists, sharks take up over a billion of our ocean’s population. They are a  

necessity to earth’s ecosystem because of their fascinating ability to maintain a balanced population of marine life. Unfortunately, most people view sharks as vicious and deadly creatures that would harm them at first glance.

     Little do they realize that it’s humanity’s laziness and disregard of toxic wastes that lead to the pollution that haunts our oceans and in turn makes marine life retaliate.  

     According to Independent, sharks have a very simple, yet detailed hunting pattern. Smaller sharks tend to consume more amounts of food because their weight is much less. Shark’s diet consists of seals, dolphins, turtles, small fish, and other sharks. Shark’s hunting requires lots of physical activity and drains their energy quickly. Almost all sharks feed a couple of times a week because of their large size.

    Research shows sharks have very bright minds. They remember the migration pattern of prey they want the most, which is more intricate than the migration patterns of birds. Sharks

can smell blood from a quarter of a mile away and can pick up vibrations from

330 feet away.

     If you wear a bathing suit with the colors white, silver, or yellow, you could attract the shark even more, as sharks are attracted to those colors more than any other colors.

     Each year there are approximately 100 shark attacks. According to Florida’s Program for Shark Research, there has been a huge increase in fatal shark attacks since 2005. Locations such as Florida and Hawaii are highly susceptible to shark attacks because of their high numbers in tourism. 

     Scientists have discovered that pollution, tourist activities and constant construction are the cause for the spikes in shark attacks. Beaches that have a high population in tourism on top of having developments being built, are trifling with shark’s natural habitat. Climate change also has had an effect on sharks being more aggressive. For example, if a forest, lush and filled with wildlife is suddenly torn apart into a construction site, the animals will move to a different location. In turn, animals have to cross roads to get to new forests, which would cause an increase in roadkill and a decrease in wildlife population. 

      The same goes for sharks – if you disturb their home, they’ll most likely attack because it’s their instinct and in their blood. If trash and oil is thrown into their habitat, they’ll most likely be forced to move to a different location.  

     Sharks are natural born survivors. They’re hunters, pollution controllers, and fighters. If there’s anything to learn from sharks, it’s that the more humanity acts carelessly with simple things such as trash, oil, etcetera, the more shark attacks will increase. In order for our world to function as a whole, order has to be maintained in the ecosystem. 

      Animals of all shapes and sizes continue to do their part, but will humans wake up and take the initiative in helping save the planet? Once pollution decreases, shark attacks will decrease. Sharks are simply trying to have people wake up and realize that our beautiful home is crossing a dangerous line.