Cry of the Hawk

The student news site of North Harford High School

Cry of the Hawk

Cry of the Hawk


Should the northern Harford County area have its own 'snow zone' for inclement weather days?

  • YES (92%, 60 Votes)
  • NO (8%, 5 Votes)

Total Voters: 65

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Tax dollars wasted every year

What hard-earned money should really be spent on

   The U.S. federal government is shamelessly spending at least $247 million dollars in taxpayer money each year, according to the Government Accountability Office. Billions more is wasted on needless things like duplicated programs, maintaining empty government buildings that cost $1.7 billion, and accidentally investing $28 million on forest camouflage uniforms, as reported by CNBC. 

      Throwing away hard-earned money on unneeded materials is very disappointing, because there are serious issues that need more attention. 

      The way the federal government handles plans and projects is absurd. The management is spending money left and right, not even thinking about what they are trying to do or solve. The government holds all this power, all this money, but ignores all the topics that need to be acted upon. For years, the government has always focused on national defense. 

      According to a Tax Policy Center poll, 50.6% of government money is going to national defense, while social services (education, employment, etc.) is at 7.1%, veteran benefits and services at 6.4% and health at 5.0%. Even though the military system is important, citizens that live in the states are equally as important.  

   Author Thomas Schatz says, “In the federal government everything is ‘Go spend more money,’ and if that does not work, it is ‘Go spend more money,’” which is unfair to citizens. While the government wastes people’s well-earned tax dollars on meaningless things, people get hit with inflation, everything going up in the stores to make people pay more. 

      Instead of uselessly spending money on things that are meaningless, the government should improve schools, help with education, provide housing for people in need and immigrants, and support health care for citizens – especially older citizens. 

      In our world, things are already so diverse and expensive in life, and the political administration just makes it harder. The government needs to understand that every socio-economic group is important.  

      People have struggles trying to live in our country. So, if the government could organize more efficient special groups who build homes, donate money, or create laws to protect people, it would make a significant difference for our states. In the meantime, the message to our elected officials needs to be: 

     This is happening, and you have the money to help. 

     And then, we hold them accountable for not doing what they should. 

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