White-washing in fairies; new Netflix series replaces people of color with white actors

Evan Kuzemchak, Social Media Coordinator

  The show is about a girl named Bloom, who freshly discovered how she is a fairy and tries to find out where her genetics come from,” junior Paige Hutson says about the new live action Winx saga on Netflix. Winx Club is a series first produced as an animated series in 2004 and aired for 8 seasons. Recently Netflix has released a new live action show generated from Winx Club, the show is called ‘Fate: The Winx Saga’ and has 6 episodes. 

     Hutson says, “ the new show was good but I personally prefer the original as the plot remained on track but was also more entertaining.” She adds that in the old show, the plot was very engaging and stays on track. In the new show, it stays on track but isn’t as engaging.” 

      Hutson goes on to say she “thinks the plot would’ve been better with Flora (character in Winx Club) in there because that was one of the main characters, she played an important role on the show. She was always the mediator and she made the show more diverse since she was a Pacific Islander.”

     Many other watchers seemed to share Hutson;s feelings with the casting. Fans of the first show noticed quickly the casting of the second show didn’t quite match. Characters Musa and Flora have been put into question as Musa is originally played by an Asian actress and Flora is played by a Pacific Islander. Yet in the new series Musa is played by a white actress and Flora was replaced by a new character, a white actress named Terra.

     Also, recently the actors of Musa (Elisha Applebaum), Terra (Eliot Salt), and Aisha (Precious Mustapha) came out to respond. Applebaum states that “It’s really sad to see that fans were upset with the casting. I wasn’t involved in the casting but I hope that what they’ve seen and how I’ve portrayed Musa was to their liking.” Salt says “it’s really important that we do see [Terra and Flora together] and if we’re lucky enough to get a season two that’s my greatest hope.” 

      Mustapha states, “The industry is getting to a point where we’re starting to see more diversity on-screen, but it’s obviously not enough and there’s still more work to be done.”