Studies suggest music aids brain; Students use methods to their advantage


When songs start to play, they will obviously begin to make people feel some sort of way. Whether it’s a sad, slow song that results in tears, or if it’s an upbeat, energetic song that leads to dance parties in their bedroom.

     Music has recently been deemed as a type of therapy by not only therapists, but also scientists.

    The claim that music can be extremely helpful in aiding the mind has escalated in supportive scientific evidence – not just theories.

     Scientists have conducted research that has shown that music, “can have a beneficial effect on brain chemicals such as dopamine, which is linked to feelings of pleasure, and oxytocin,” according to AARP.

     These chemicals are released in the brain and therefore allow the positive feelings likely felt whilst listening to happier music. However, “some scientists think melancholy music is linked to the hormone prolactin,” according to psychologist Adrian North from Curtin University in Australia. Prolactin is the hormone responsible for making you feel depressed and sad.

     Sophomore Evan Oswald shared that, “When [he] listens to sad music it makes [him] feel down and kind of upset, [he] thinks this happens mainly because of the vocals and lyrics of the songs.”

     Researchers have also suggested that music can assist your brain in becoming more or less focused whilst working, and according to a 2007 study, classical music specifically can help “absorb” information easier and more efficiently.

     Sophomore Mia Sbodio explains that she does not listen to music while studying because she “really needs to focus,” and needs to “one hundred percent dedicate [her] brain to focusing.”

     However, the sophomore added that “When [she does] assignments, [she] listens to music.” Sbodio says that she tries to listen to “calmer, more relaxed artists like Phoebe Bridgers or The Smiths rather than something upbeat and loud.”

     “I also feel like while I’m doing my assignments, music really helps me become more motivated and I have found that it helps me get my work done quicker.” Sbodio added. 

     Oswald also commented that he also listens to music when he is doing his homework. “Usually [he] listens to indie, pop, R&B, and soft rock genres.” But when Oswald doesn’t listen to music while working, it’s because “the assignment [he is] working on takes super deep thinking or concentration.”

     The main reason music is known to make individuals feel every emotion under the sun is mostly due to the chemicals being released in the brain. The brain is a powerful tool which assists students to complete assignments and understand feelings, so use these musical tools to help aid it!