Weather wipes out pre-season, Players struggle to catch up
The excessive snow that plagued Harford County over the last several months changed the preseason schedule of many spring sports teams. Some were able to brave the cold, some practiced indoors, and some cancelled practice altogether.
Some of the teams were so desperate for practice that they went to some extreme measures.
“We all shoveled the courts so we could practice. We slipped and slid all over the place, but we played through it. It was actually a pretty great team bonding exercise. I think it’s going to be a strong season,” said senior tennis team captain, Malone Mislak.
Other teams were forced to develop skills indoors, like the baseball and softball teams.
“We just had to hit in the batting cages. It made it harder to become accustomed to the field once games started, because we had hadn’t really even been on the field until game day,” said junior and varsity softball player, Alexis Lyttle.
The track and field team has had to practice in the biting cold and the soaking rain so far this season. Team members are excited for the sun to finally come out.
“The track was covered in snow for tryouts, we had to run the bus loop, and a lot of kids were upset,” said track and field member, junior Logan Furness. “Everything was off because Benjamin said five laps was a mile instead of the four laps we usually run on the track. We are looking forward to the nice weather and spending time in the sun. I, personally, hate the cold.”
The lacrosse teams have also been struggling through the frigid beginning to this season.
“It’s really been hard actually. It’s so cold that it makes it hard to improve and get better as the season has been progressing so far,” said junior and varsity lacrosse player, Claudia Diventi. “It shortens our practices too, because we have been ending early or starting late. I feel like our record is probably going to suffer this season because of all of the practice time that we have missed.”
Despite all of these setbacks caused by the winter weather, spring sports teams are shaping up to have a fun, competitive season.