Dellone accomplishes her dream at the happiest place on Earth


Senior Kayla Dellone recently competed in the ICU World Championships with her team VIP Vipers Hydra, in the World Cup of cheerleading at Walt Disney World held April 27 through May 2.

Dellone received this opportunity after her team competed in eight competitions during the cheer season where they are able to win a bid, which is similar to an invitation, to go to World Championships. Her team received a bid at their first competition. “The team went last year but I wasn’t on the team last year, so this was my first time going to Worlds… [The experience] was really surreal, none of it seemed real until I actually competed. The moment the routine ended I started crying because I couldn’t believe I was there. It was amazing,” stated Dellone.

Her team arrived to Disney World on Thursday, and on Friday they had a team practice and at their hotel. “They had a little practice tent for us, which was cool because we were practicing next to the most well known teams who are World Champions,” cheerleader explained. From there, Dellone and her team went to Disney’s All-Star Resort and practiced on their football field. Dellone continues,  “Practicing on their football field was a really awesome opportunity because that’s where you always see other famous teams doing.”

On Saturday, the team competed in US Trials and were against about 40 teams for US Trials. “Sadly we didn’t make it to day two because in total we were against the 40 teams from the US but we were also against about 20 teams from out of the country. So we placed about 20th out of 60 which is pretty good but you had to make the top ten to make it to day two,” explained Dellone.

Through the entire experience, Dellone’s favorite part was competing. “It went by so fast because the routine is only around two minutes and 30 seconds, but it was the most amazing feeling in my life because I’ve been cheering for 15 years and I’ve never felt like that after competing.”

Since the senior has so much competition experience,  she’s been a part of many competitions but World Championships stands out. “It was neat knowing the whole world was watching and ESPN was recording us and when we went into the arena, it was completely full and that seats thousands of people and they did a livestream where millions of people were watching,” Dellone explained. The senior is also super thankful for her parents for being so supportive of her cheering and allowing her to compete in the World Championships, for which they paid thousands of dollars.

Unfortunately, Dellone was not able to go to North Harford’s senior prom because of this experience, but that didn’t faze her. “I’ve been cheering since I was two years old and the World Championships started in 2004 and ever since I was six, it’s been my dream to go so making it to Worlds, which is my biggest dream and my biggest accomplishment so far so I couldn’t pass it up,” stated Dellone.