Mixing it up; Varsity volleyball serves up annual co-ed game

Mixing it up; Varsity volleyball serves up annual co-ed game


Recently, both girls and boys varsity volleyball teams came together and created four new teams that played each other on October 11.
The teams that were created were themed black, white, yellow, and USA. Each team consisted of girls and boys from the varsity teams and this year's captains became the leaders of the team they
were assigned to.
According to William Becker, one of the captains of the team black, also known as team dark, and Tanner Showalter, one of the captains of team white, the best part of it all was playing with the girls on the lower net.
Jessica Gerhardt, the captain of the USA team, also known as team mama, has only been a captain for one year and has played in previous co-ed tournaments. Gerhardt had stated that her team was very good, they had strong players and worked well together. This team wasn’t a winning one, but the team spirit kept them going.
According to Jacob Kunze, a player on the USA AKA team mama, stated that his team did pretty good but that they could work on the chemistry and the rotation. He also added that he enjoyed all the laughs and funny moments.
Team Black’s two captains were Becker and Elizabeth Quigg. Becker stated that it was expected for his team to take it all. This is only his second year playing in the co-ed tournament and his first as a captain but stated that his team went undefeated last year.
Quigg mentioned that it is lots of fun getting to play with the boys' team but felt the same way as Becker. She added that her team had lots of strong hitters, but they didn’t work well as a team. She added that the team had difficulties working out the rotation and the balance.
Unlike the black team, Showalter mentioned that he did not have high hopes about the white team winning, but they ended up winning the whole co-ed tournament.. He added that as a senior who has been playing for three years, it was nice to have a win under his belt as he graduates. It is also the first year this male captain has led a co-ed team.
Kunze also added that all the teams were split up evenly and that every team had good sportsmanship.