Field Hockey: Taking home wins, One step closer to regionals
The field hockey team celebrates their 1-0 win against Bel Air in double overtime. This game made the girls 3-1.
October 27, 2022
The field hockey team is currently 7-5 during the regular season, including a tournament the team participated in. The Hawks have faced teams in the county and out of the county, including Notre Dame Prep and Maryvale Preparatory School.
Sophomore Mollie Fialcowitz is one of the two sophomores that made the varsity team, and she has played field hockey for eight years. She comments that the team “works really well together on the field because it is not only how talented [the whole team is], but it is also the bond that [the team has].”
Junior Amber Kozlowski, who has played for seven years, comments that the team works well with each other, and the team “communicates with each other as well.”
Captain Kendall Fortune, senior, has been playing field hockey for six years, and comments that “in the beginning of the season, [the] team lacked confidence and had to learn a lot of new skills and formations[,] but now that we have reached the near end of our season, our team trusts one another and is confident in our play.”
Fialcowitz says that the team also works well off the field together as well, “because [the team] has a good bond, and there is no drama on the team as well.” Kozlowski states that everyone on the team is “super friendly.”
Captain Grace Underwood, senior, has been playing since seventh grade and says that she “loves building bonds with [her] teammates, they [the team] really [does] become family as you are with them everyday.”
Coach Carla Harward feels that the team has “definitely begun to work better together, connecting as a team, passing to each other, and have been really connecting on the field and off the field.”
Underwood agrees with Haward that the team has been working better together. Underwood also comments that the teams “confidence has increased [and the team] puts so much effort into [the] game, and it really does show.”
“Our team is great at transfers and looking up for the open pass. Our midfield and defense does a phenomenal job of sweeping the ball across the field to switch sides in order to open up a lane for our offense to get it in the circle,” says Fortune.
Underwood states that she is “looking forward to these next few games. The end of the season is approaching, if we stay focused and continue to play our game, we have the potential to go far.”
Harward states, “The best time of the year is playoffs. It is very exciting, and [she] believes that [the school has] a very good team that is motivated and wants to play all the way to the end.”
“The end of the season is always bittersweet because it is amazing to see the progress and improvements we have made from the beginning to end[,] but it’s always so hard to have a season come to an end and not play with your teammates,” states Fortune.
An important part of being able to play well is for a team to be able to get along well, Harward comments that the team “gets along, they are close friends, they like to be around each other, [and] that is something that is not there every year.”
Underwood comments that the team has, “a lot of talent[,] we just need to utilize it. We can do such great things!”