According to Sport for Life, the organization “strives for a sport and physical activity system that is a catalyst for change that centers the aspirations of equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility for everyone.”
At North Harford High School, the advisors of the club are Special Educator Mrs. Kolbi Stahl and Inclusion Helper Mrs. Michele Santelli. “I would say that Sports for Life is an opportunity for general education students and special education students to get together and interact and play sports together and make relationships.”
Last year, students participated in basketball, bowling, etc. This year, the county is starting off with cornhole. Where civilians play this game for recreation, likely at fairs or carnivals, these athletes are training competitively. Every wednesday, the team has practice by the atrium lockers during homeroom.
Senior Aiden Jablon is a team member of Sports for Life and his “favorite part is just making connections with the kids and meeting new people.” In practices and tournaments, there is plenty of team-bonding. Helpers like Jablon mentor and encourage the players to try their best and come out strong. Friendship is the foundation of North Harford’s team.
The senior “loved the basketball tournament.” In these final scrimmages, each participating school has the chance to compete against other harford county entities. NHHS scored second place in last year’s bowling tournament and top three in basketball according to Jablon.
Stahl encourages students to “keep an ear out for the announcements. We’re always welcoming new people in our classroom, we are always asking people to come to Best Buddies and honestly, if you have an interest in any of the sports or don’t, you just have an interest in meeting people, this is the perfect place to do it because it is more about relationships and the competition aspect is secondary.”
The cornhole tournament will take place on October 24 at Bel Air High School from 2:30 to 4:30 pm. Anyone can come and the players would love it if the community would come and show their green and gold pride.