Rat-a-tat-tat. Some teachers at North Harford High School are making strides to improve their health by participating in a Pound and Mixed-Fit class where “you use drumsticks to ‘pound’ together to a choreographed set of steps to music,” says math teacher Mrs. Shelly Sparks. Agriculture and horticulture teacher Mrs. Aimee Densmore started the class and coordinated the usage of facilities and times. She also hired an instructor, Joanna Waddell, to teach the courses.
Sparks has participated in “three classes” because she has a “desire to get in shape and reduce stress. It is a great opportunity to improve overall health and wellness,” she says.
The class meets in the “aerobics room on the first floor, every other Monday for 45 minutes,” Sparks explains. “Ms. Densmore organized it and found the facilitator.”
Another teacher who participates in the class is fellow agriculture and horticulture teacher Mrs. Hannah Jarrell. “I have been involved with the class since it began about a month ago,” says Jarrell. Jarrell first learned about the class when, “Emails were sent out to the entire staff and Mrs. Densmore and I discussed it over our lunches,” she continues. “[Densmore] was a huge advocate for the class and encouraged me to join!”
Jarrell says that during the class they get to, “Have fun, get some exercise, and debrief from our day of teaching with other teachers from around the school that we might not always get to interact with.” The educator says that she loves that the classes, “gives me something to look forward to on Mondays; it is a really fun way to get a workout in, and it allows me to hang out with some really awesome teachers.”
One thing that Jarrell dislikes is that, “we only get to do it once a week!” Jarrell says that she would recommend joining the class to anyone. “I think everyone should try out a group class, whether it is this one or another. This class is currently only open to teachers.” Some more fellow teachers who are taking the class are English teachers Mrs. Jennifer Chandler and Ms. Bethany Birchfield are also taking the classes.