Antifreeze is not just used for cars
Propylene Glycol also known as antifreeze, is notably missing from food labels.
What is it? Propylene Glycol is a form of mineral oil, an alcohol produced by fermentation of yeast and carbohydrates.
Where is it found? In common ice cream brands like Coldstone Creamery, Graeter’s Ice Cream and other supermarket brands. Also found in McDonald’s sauces, some frostings, coffee, candy, and many salad dressings.
Why is it there? Propylene Glycol is most commonly used in ice cream so that it keeps the creamy texture, and will not produce ice crystals.
Bad effects? It can penetrate the skin, and is also a known cause for heart, liver, kidney, and central nervous system damage.
Alternatives? Glycerin can be used as an alternative, it is a by-product of vegetable oils so therefore a healthier alternative for both the body and the environment.
How much of this is in ice cream? NA