Express your uniqueness; Do what you love
October 20, 2020
Sports, the outdoors, instrument playing you name it, these are just some of the hobbies that people
like to do, there are a lot more but not everyone likes to talk about them as much.
Sophomore Marissa Struhar reads comic books for fun. “I wanted to try something new” she states,
Struhar started reading these comic books to pass time but also entertain herself.
Not a lot of people read comic books now a days, so this is something that is more unique than other
hobbies. Struhar stated that she is more of a visual learner and that regular books are harder for her to
read so comic books are easier for her to understand.
“I love action and drama” she stated, Struhar was already interested in the topic of superhero’s, video
games, and hero movies so it was decided that she would start reading comic books for fun.
Everyone has their own interests and things that make them happy, what makes you happy? Is it
being with family and friends? Playing a sport? Everyone is different with what makes them happy.
Junior Owen Hoy rides dirt bikes in his free time and he enjoys it very much because when he is riding
that is all he focuses on and he can let go of stress.
“Everything else goes away” Hoy stated he can just kind of ride free and let go of everything but at the
same time he can also “hang out with the boys.”
Hoy decided to start riding because his dad rides as well and then got him a dirt bike. Hoy mainly rides
for fun but every once in a while, he does race competitively.
There are lots of fun hobbies out there but when questioned, out of 120 people asked about 87
percent of them played sports as a hobby and only 13 percent did something different such as origami,
reading, and/or playing some kind of instrument.
Struhar and Hoy are just two examples of people who do something different, there are multiple
people who are out there that do all sorts of interesting things.
What are some things that you do that are not that common? Does it make you stress free? Doing
what makes you happy can make you a better person and also more outgoing.