S. Divinorum; natural phenomenon

Addy Dean, Reporter

Salvia Divinorum is an herb that’s a part of the Lamiaceae family which includes plants like mint rosemary and thyme. However, Salvia Divinorum also known as S. Divinorum is no normal herb.

  1. Divinorum is a rare plant that is also a psychotropic drug and has been making its way into the news and into the hands of unsuspecting teenagers that are prone to misusing it.

     It is one of 1,000 species in the sage genus but is the only one known to be psychotropic and have hallucinogenic effects. S. Divinorum grows natively in southern Mexico and has been historically used by Mazatec Shamans in religious rituals.

     The Mazatec shamans are just one among many different indigenous groups that have been historically known to incorporate the use of naturally occurring hallucinogens into their religious practices.

     For the Mazatec shamans salvinorin was specifically used in order to talk to gods or connect with other spiritual beings. However, through western colonization and the spread of western culture natural hallucinogens and psychotropics are used recreationally and oftentimes irresponsibly.

     According to Lake Forest college the chemical identification on Salvia Divinorum was completed in the 1980’s and it was discovered that the main ingredient responsible for the psychoactive effect is called salvinorin A. This ingredient is the most powerful naturally occurring hallucinogen that we know of. 

     The side effects have strong dissociative properties that can lead to a user feeling completely disconnected from one’s body. The effects are immediate and only last on average between 5-20 minutes but it could also lst about an hour, however it is extremely powerful  and it could possibly feel like hours especially if someone has a bad reaction to it. 

     As far as medical use of ‘Salvia’ it hasn’t been researched to the extent as other drugs that could be considered similar to it. 

     The active ingredient salvinorin A has a centralized effect and only effects on receptors at a time, this centralized effect has come in handy when treating alzherimers, depression, and other mental illnesses.

     Although Salvia is illegal in several U.S states the Drug Enforcement Agency has it only listed as a drug of concern and not an illegal substance on the federal level. 

     The reason why it is not illegal is because Salvia reacts with the brain in such a unique way it is incomparable to other drugs making it nearly impossible to regulate. 

     North Harford health teacher Jacquelyn Williams weighed in on the use of new ‘experimental drugs’ “ It is a continuously changing world. I am on the fence about medical use of drugs that are illegal or have illegal like effects. I wonder if there are other options out there that do not have the side effects/risks linked to those drugs. I also see the many and obvious dangers associated with the use of drugs like these for medical purposes.”