HAC, TAC; Hashing out New grading system


This year Harford County switched from Edline to Home Access Center and Teacher Access Center, which will allow students and parents to check grades, assignments, attendance, and get information about the school.

    According to the The Baltimore Sun, Harford County decided to start using Home Access Center because it is a more economical program for the entire county.  Additionally the newspaper reported that parents were emailed on August 13, so they could set up their accounts and become familiar with the site before the school year begins.

    Teachers have been adapting to the new change at different paces with the support and training available. According to math teacher Jenny Biegel, “Individual online modules through Itslearning” were used.” She claims “What could have taken me 3 hours could have taken someone else 45 minutes and vice versa.”

   English teacher Mike James believes this change will be a good change eventually. “I think Edline was clunky and I think this is a lot more fluid. It’s going to an adjustment period.”

   The English teacher adds that as a parent of two HCPS students,  “ It’s a lot easier to see my kids grades than it used to be. It used to be there were ten clicks I had to do to get to one classes grades then I had to go back and  then 10 clicks to go back. Here I can just see their grades, I can see when stuff was assigned.”

    Both teachers agree that the adjustment to HAC has not been perfect. “It’s been a little slow but a lot of us have been working together. When someone doesn’t know something we go to each other and get help. That’s been our best resource each other,” said Biegel.

    While the start has been rocky with the new program James claims “I think it will be better but we’ll see.”  Beigel believes, “It’s too early to tell but she’s interested to see what HAC can do compared to Edline.”