German club gets wrapped up in pretzel making fun


Riley Herold, Reporter

     After many inconveniences throughout the years, the German club got to meet again to have some fun. During November German club got together to celebrate one of Germany’s festivals. This festival is called Oktoberfest, which is celebrated all around the world but mostly in Munich Germany. During this festival people snack on so many different treats. The most popular treat is large soft pretzels.

    The German club decided to make these pretzels in order to be a part of the culture and celebrate it. Due to some scheduling issues they had to wait till November to celebrate but it was all worth it with these delicious pretzels.

     These pretzels included ingredients such as flour, butter, salt, yeast, sugar, and egg wash. The process to make these pretzels didn’t take that long. It took about 10-15 minutes to set everything up, then about 30 minutes to make the pretzels, and then about 15 minutes for everything to cook. Which rounds to about an hour.

     Luke Dawson said “Getting started was kind of confusing as I had never made pretzels before but once I got into it, it was easy and really fun. The pretzels were so good. The bread was warm and so delicious to eat, especially with salt on top.”

     During this fun activity, the club was split into groups of about 3 to try and work together. Each group made unique pretzels. Dawson’s group made Pepe Frog, another group made a mickey mouse one, and so many other cool fun ones.

     Dawson said,“While making these pretzels I had lots of fun. We were separated into groups of 3 so we had to learn how to work together while trying to figure out how to make pretzels.”  He added “working in a kitchen together is sometimes hard but it was mostly entertaining. We’d joke with each other while making the food but overall it was a fun opportunity to have.”

     Oktoberfest runs from Sept. 16 to the first Sunday in October. It normally runs for 16 days. This year’s Oktoberfest ran from Sept.16 to Oct. 3. Oktoberfest began as a wedding celebration more than 200 years ago when Bavaria’s Crown Prince Ludwig married Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen on Oct. 12, 1810. Oktoberfest celebrations can be found all over the world, but the main event is in Munich, Germany, where the first Oktoberfest was held.

     The organization’s next activity was  making German Christmas ornaments, held on  Dec. 16th. But if you miss that, they usually do activities around the holidays like Oktoberfest, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter.