Cry of the Hawk

The student news site of North Harford High School

Cry of the Hawk

Cry of the Hawk


Should the northern Harford County area have its own 'snow zone' for inclement weather days?

  • YES (92%, 60 Votes)
  • NO (8%, 5 Votes)

Total Voters: 65

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VOE hosts Day of Silence

Students protest silencing, erasure

In 2023, over 800 pieces of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation were introduced nationwide, further silencing millions of students across the country, according to CNN. In protest of this, Voices of Equity hosted their fourth Day of Silence on April 26, where students who volunteered took a vow of silence for the entirety of the school day. 

     Many students ended up participating in the event. Participants met in English teacher Mr. Michael James’ room during homeroom to take the vow of silence. Students were given passes that stated, “Today, I am not speaking in protest of the silencing of the LGBTQ+ community in schools, which forces too many into silence to avoid intimidation, harassment, and physical violence. On the institutional level, last year over 800 pieces of anti-LGBTQ+ bills were introduced nationwide, each attempting to silence or erase the community.”

     Students were not obligated to stay silent for the entire day. If a teacher “urgently [needed] participation in class,” James explains that students could participate in that activity. Likewise, if there was an “urgent” need to speak to school staff or the SRO, students could break their silence. 

     Overall, 24 students took the vow, while 16 acted as allies of the event. Junior Liv Minichiello took the vow, “to remind people – and myself – that violence against queer people happened and is still happening. Albeit uncomfortable to talk about, it’s still important to bring awareness and remember our history; we can grow together.”

     Similarly, sophomore Saturn Ritchie took the vow because, “I see stories everywhere talking about people being hate-crimed for something they cannot control, and me and my friends have been hate-crimed as well. Also, this country wants to take away rights for, again, something we cannot control.”

     Allies also had reasons to support the cause. Sophomore Aiden Miranda says, “I think it’s important to act as an ally because of all the unnecessary hatred towards [LGBTQ+ people].”

     Ritchie adds that they think it is important for people to take part in these forms of protest, “so people know we’re serious about this and we’re not just going to brush [off] being hate-crimed and getting our rights taken away. Hate crimes are still happening; even though the world has moved past 2010, some people are stuck in the past and just can’t grow up to see that there’s literally nothing wrong with [identifying as LGBTQ+].”

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