Rage released by removing DACA

On September 5, 2017 president Trump decided to rescind DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.)  This basically means anyone who came over to America as an unauthorized immigrants’ children will be deported.
According to Vax, DACA has protected 800,000 young adults from getting deported and that allowed them to legally work since 2012. All these children and young adults have been raised in the US. So why are we sending them back to a country where some of them don’t even remember being there in the first place?
The whole point of the creation of DACA was to provide everyone a chance of building a life here in America. After Trump’s decision, no one under the program is now protected anymore. The hard working people who were protected by this are now being forced, starting March 6, 2018, to leave the family, friends, and lives they created here.
Even though Trump’s order appears not finalized yet, we should definitely still continue to pay attention to the decision he made. With DACA ending, Trump is ruining the opportunity for those who rely on this program to live in the US and live a happy life. With this program removed, thousands of individuals will be removed from families they created themselves, careers they pursued and the college education they worked so hard for. But even with all of that, Trump still somehow believes that in the long term it will be beneficial to our country.
What this all comes down to is Trump decision was the incorrect one to make. Currently there are thousands of people trying to bring back DACA and protest for their rights as Americans.