Taking accountability; Climate change exists


 Climate change skeptics’ refusal of scientific evidence is purely psychological. And, funnily enough– psychology is also a classified science; just like the globally inclined issue that is climate change.

   Climate change is defined by NASA as, “a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s local, regional and global climates.”

     According to Columbia Climate School, the climate change we see today is “not natural.” Generally speaking, climate change should be a result of a natural phenomenon. However, we see an anthropogenic (originating in human activity) change of climate.

   The Australian Psychological Society states that 97% of climate scientists have recognized that “climate change is caused by human behavior.” Due to this, our Earth is in a state of anthropogenic climate change.

      Our climate change is not natural, it is man made.

     Currently, our planet is spiraling into distress. Our climate is in a state of crisis, and we are the main reason why.

     “We burn fossil fuels and chop down forests, causing average temperatures to rise worldwide,” states the Environmental Defense Fund. These actions are causing so much distress in our world. Yet regardless, individuals still refuse to believe that this climate crisis is not at an all-time stake.

     Skeptics believe that “climate change is natural,” or that “climate change is good for us,” and finally the famous “well, maybe climate change is real, but it’s too late to take action.”

   The climatic changes we are seeing lately debunk those first two claims. Climate change may be natural, and is good for us, but not when it’s causing our animals to un-adapt and die, not when rapid and incredibly frequent wildfires are happening, and not when we are experiencing extensive periods of droughts.

    Our Earth is in need of our help and ignoring that will not make our situation any better. If we continue to debunk and ignore our problem, the planet that nourishes us with our supplies and needs to survive will die, and we will die with it.

     The terrifying truth that skeptics won’t accept is on its way to becoming a reality. There is still time to aid the planet and to prevent this emergency from reaching its destructive capacity.  

     We can assist climate change by simply limiting energy, such as turning lights off in rooms you are not in, recycle, or even throw away less food.

     Climate change is not a light topic. Stop treating it like it is.