Reminiscing back to middle school; Worst three school years ever


     Middle schoolers suck, and I can name many reasons as to why they do. One, they act like they’re all that in a bag of chips. Two, they think inappropriate jokes about girls are the funniest thing ever. Three, middle school boys love to sexualize everything, and it’s uncalled for. Lastly, the middle school girls – wow, they couldn’t survive without the drama.

     In middle school, boys were the nastiest thing ever, saying things and doing things that were so very wrong. They still do this in high school, but at the time, my friends and I didn’t know it was wrong. And don’t even get me started on the swim unit and how you were allowed to wear bikinis but couldn’t allow your shoulders to show because that “distracted” the boys.

     But, getting out of the water wearing a bikini and having to demonstrate things in front of the boys totally wasn’t distracting to them at all, right? And they totally didn’t make comments about your body. Correct? But they were most definitely making comments about how your shoulder was showing and it was so distracting that they couldn’t even pay attention in class.

     And, with the girls, it was all about popularity and dating boys and having the most friends or having the most guy friends because somehow that made you “cooler.” It was the absolute worst when girls would look down on you and say things that were just rude right in front of everyone, making you feel like you are nothing compared to her.

     These were the worst school years of my entire life. Girls changed so much, and mainly it was because they got a boyfriend or they got some type of male attention, whether it was good or bad. I’m sure you thought that the people you were friends with would stick around in high school, and I’m sure some did, but most didn’t because you and them just grew apart trying to figure yourself out.

     There is only one person who I was actually friends with in middle school that I still consistently talk to now as a junior. But every other friend has either gone to a different school or is now a completely different person.

     Don’t get me wrong, I expect people to change as they grow, and I know people are going to change and I know I’m going to change as well. Middle school had good times, and not everyone was like this. And still, not everyone is like this in high school. But wow, middle schoolers are annoying.