Cry of the Hawk

The student news site of North Harford High School

Cry of the Hawk

Cry of the Hawk


Should the northern Harford County area have its own 'snow zone' for inclement weather days?

  • YES (92%, 60 Votes)
  • NO (8%, 5 Votes)

Total Voters: 65

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Halloween is no longer celebrated;

Parents have ruined spooky fun

     Halloween is running up and down the streets to see who can get the most candy on Halloween night. It’s talking about what house is decorated the best as children  go from house to house. But apparently this holiday hasn’t been taken seriously anymore. 

     No one decorates their houses and there’s barely any kids going from house to house trick or treating anymore. 

     What has happened?

     Why is there no one out on Halloween night?

     Why are no houses decorated?

     Halloween is longer what it used to be. When you drive down any neighborhood, there are only two-to-five houses in the 20 rows of houses in the whole neighborhood. Not to put the blame on people, but I am; it’s the parents or adults fault for not decorating. I understand if parents have a lot of other things going on with taking care of children, but this should be some priority in your life to be completely honest. 

     How did parents find time to decorate when I was younger, but somehow, in the last couple years, have just lost all their time so they can’t decorate?

     Parents are ruining Halloween for their own children and others. Imagine being so excited for the day and then just not seeing decorations or fun. That’s so disappointing for the children. You’re ruining your own child’s imagination. 

     And don’t even get me started on this new “trunk-or-treating” thing going on. 

     This might just be a ‘me’ thing: I had never really heard about trunk-or-treating until I moved to Harford County. But where I lived most of my life, Parkville, trunk-or-treat had such a small following. But nowadays, that’s all kids go to instead of actually going from house-to-house on Halloween. 

     No kids are actually going out on Halloween. What is so great about going into random people’s trunks and getting candy? I just don’t understand. 

     You don’t know what those people are doing in their trunks or what have been in their trunks. Parents literally teach kids not to take candy from people in cars because it’s a form of kidnapping, and then bring their kids to do that exact thing. 

     Parents have started to think too much about how they can do things differently every year. But, why? What was wrong with the original?

     Nothing. That’s the answer. 

     Nothing was wrong with the good old original ‘walking door-to-door to decorated houses’ for Halloween. We just decided, as a society, what’s in and out of trends, and for some reason, society has taken Halloween as one of them. I’m waiting for it to not be held captive anymore. 


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