Cry of the Hawk

The student news site of North Harford High School

Cry of the Hawk

Cry of the Hawk


Should the northern Harford County area have its own 'snow zone' for inclement weather days?

  • YES (92%, 60 Votes)
  • NO (8%, 5 Votes)

Total Voters: 65

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Prioritizing personal politics over real problems

New policy places adult wants before student needs

 Sometimes I wonder if the HCPS Board of Education actually, like, cares about the school system they’re in charge of.  

    Don’t get me wrong, I know they’ve got jobs to do, and as far as I know, they do them well. However, the latest set of considerations in the BoE is really making me question if we can actually trust them to get the job done. 

     If you – like many other people seem to be in this school – are not aware of the recent developments considered in the Board of Education, here’s the gist: The HCPS BoE is proposing a ban on flags. “Flags, according to the proposal, would not be allowed unless they are the American flag, the Maryland flag, the Harford County flag, flags as part of a temporary unit of study… flags that denote a recognition of achievement, sports flags, college banners, or other countries’ flags as part of a multinational display,” according to WMAR2 News. 

    There is an array of opinions regarding this proposition. However, student Board member Madina Sabirova summarized it the best: “I can’t stand behind a policy like this…And any board member who does it really just shows you what you’re trying to do for our students, because this is clearly not helping us.” 

    Scratch that. I trust one person on the BoE. Thank you, Madina. 

    There’s a lot I could say about this issue, and a lot of it, I will. In short, this policy is just absurd.

    I’m utterly flabbergasted that of all the issues the BoE could debate upon, they’re choosing to ban flags of all things. One reason listed for the proposed ban is because, in short, some flags are just ‘too political.’ 

    Ironic, right? The whole issue is political. Get a grip. 

    You want to know what’s political? Coming up with a ban on flags instead of focusing on things that need fixing. I’m starting to wonder if this is just some sort of ploy for the BoE so that they can just mindlessly vote on things instead of focusing on the real problems within the school district. I’ve had – and still have – family that works within the Maryland education system. They would be the first to tell you that flags are not the issue we should be focused on. 

    How about we try and get kids to quit drugs so that they don’t ruin their futures?  

    What about all the inclusion helpers, media specialists, paraeducators, and new teachers that are losing their jobs because the county can’t afford to pay them accordingly? 

    Why don’t we try to help the students who can’t do grade-level work because of the pandemic? The ones who can’t add or subtract, or the ones who can only read books meant for kindergarteners? 

    Are we not able to help the kids who are being ruthlessly bullied without any consequences? 

    These are the problems that the Board of Education needs to be focused on. Instead, they’re worried about flags, of all things. 

    Another thing I’m wondering about is how far the policy goes. They’re banning hanging flags, but what about  on clothes? Will they ban flags on keychains? Flag stickers? There’s so much obscurity that surrounds this, and it’s extremely unclear where this policy will be taken.

     That worries me. It should worry you, too.

      In the event that such policies are passed, I feel like it would be, frankly, kind of un-American. Like, Tinker v. Des Moines already set the boundary for this sort of stuff in the ‘60s; students and teachers don’t “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” Sure, the Tinker kids didn’t wear flags – they wore armbands to protest the Vietnam War – but it’s the same principle. If a flag, piece of clothing, etc. is not preventing anyone from learning or demonstrating hatred against someone, then it shouldn’t be policed.

    No matter where you stand politically, you have to agree that this whole debate is pointless. There’s no sense in banning little squares of fabric when we have real issues to fix. This school system needs saving, and if the BoE is supposed to be our Superman, consider us doomed. 


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