Movies run circles in memories; Nostalgia hits different in films


“It’s not until you lose everything that you truly appreciate everything” said Belle from the movie Beauty and the Beast. So many movies such as this one makes people remember old memories with family and friends.

Many children grew up with Disney movies and shows, and according to BBC, Disney aspires to remaking these old films to inspire deep feelings of nostalgia. Haley Shoemaker, a Junior states that “Disney movies give people nostalgia because for many of us they are the first things we watch as kids. They bring many of us back to a simpler time where all you had to worry about is when nap time was.”

Movies could also be connected to a specific feeling mentions a BoomersPlus editor, feelings such as Christmas and the holidays is a big cause for nostalgia when watching movies. Alexandra Hurtado, a Parade reporter says that this is the most famous quote from The Grinch.  ““It came without ribbons; it came without tags. It came without packages, boxes, or bags.”

Junior Josh Woods says that the most nostalgic holiday movie would be the Home Alone series because it always made him laugh with his family every year. Holiday movies help people relive some happy memories with family and friends during those times. It typically does not matter how good the movie was, it just reminds people how they felt at the time.

Ben Ho, a Quartz website reporter, says that “Hollywood manipulates you by using your childhood memories.” Many movies cause nostalgia, because that is what they are made to do states Ho. Nostalgia encourages us to “buy a piece of a memory” when we go see a movie. Most people do not mind if they can remember the simple times.

“Mainstream movies are made for money,” Shoemaker states, “but the smaller film festivals that are for no profit are made because they love making them, not for money. And those can create memories just as easily as the ones made for money.” Many short films can be found on platforms like YouTube, and they can make the same type of memories.

Quotes are small but can remind people of the movie its from and how they felt when watching that movie. Shoemaker says the quote “All the world is made of faith and trust, and pixie dust.” From Peter Pan gives her the most nostalgia because as she gets older, she “relates to it more and more”.