Family photos gone wrong

One Ohio grandmother thought two posed pictures of her granddaughter would be a funny joke, but it turned out that no one saw it as silly as she did.

Jackie Sheaks took one photo of her granddaughter’s pacifier duck-taped to her mouth. The other photo she took was her granddaughter in a roasting pan with potatoes. She wanted to share these with the family over the internet because she’s taken posed photos like this before of other family members. No other photos sparked so much controversy before these.

Sheaks told reporters that it was a joke meant to be funny with the family. But with social media these days, it is easy to see why the photo spiraled out of control quickly. It got around so quickly that a local police officer and Child Protective Services showed up on her door step a few days following the image being uploaded. Recent news still indicates that no charges have been made and they don’t see any indication that the child is in danger at this time.

“We’re not horrible people that they are making us out to be,” says Sheaks.

This story can relate well to the teens of North Harford High School. Many of the students have some form of social media and has seen how fast one piece of information can get around. Not only that, but the story can get so messed up going through so many people. It’s like a game of telephone. If the first person says “I like bananas”, the last person will probably end up with something like “Bears eat bandanas”.

Sheaks started the game with silly family photos and ended up with harassment because the story was so misconstrued. The harassment the family has gotten has made them even think about relocating. Social media can be a beauty and a beast, and the Sheak family has officially seen the beast.