Homecoming season quickly approaching


Homecoming fever has already started here at North Harford. People are already starting to prepare for what many dub “the event of the year.”

“I am most excited about the dance,” said Sophomore Ashleigh Worthington. “I can’t wait to get all fancied up and to get a dress! The dance is so much fun!”

Other than prom, the homecoming dance is often one of the most well attended dances of the year, with tickets selling out before the week is over.

The week starts off with our annual “Spirit week” which will take place the week of October 19 through October 23. “It’s always a struggle to wake up in the morning for school, then on top of then choose what to wear for the day,” sophomore Sarah St. Clair says. “I am excited about the game and the dance but mostly spirit week, because in the morning I don’t have to decide what to wear.”

The annual Homecoming festival, the car show, and the Homecoming game against Bel Air will round out the week on Friday.  The festival also features a wide variety of stands providing food, fun, and entertainment.    North Harford is also planning to host its annual firework show on homecoming Friday, but in order to do so, a lot of fundraising is going on to ensure this annual tradition can continue.

“The homecoming football game is amazing! Mainly because it’s a blast and because it’s a good social experience,”says sophomore Mackenzie Clark.

This year’s Homecoming song is “Lay Me Down” by Sam Smith and the theme for the dance is ‘Enchanted Evening’.   Junior Class and executive board president Hannah Herron stated that “This year’s decorations are really going to be very spectacular.  We will also have the usuals snacks and drinks that we have each year! It’s going to be a blast.”   There will also be an outdoor patio by the picnic tables outside the cafeteria “to make a magical night for you,” Herron said.