Sullivan swings into summer mission


Last summer brothers James Sullivan, junior, and Patrick Sul­livan, freshman, went on a mis­sion trip to Kentucky. Patrick then developed a further interest in helping others and has decided to go on another mission trip to Tennessee for a week over the summer to make improvements on homes in poor areas of the Appalachia region. The brothers previously discovered the trip through their church, and have recruited their other families churches to join them in the mis­sion.

James states, “My aunt has two churches, and then my cous­in’s daughter is also a pastor so she brings a church. So us three churches get together and head down there.”

Patrick admits he wanted to go again this year because he “likes the feeling of helping people.”

Last year the Sullivan’s mission team helped to build the family a back deck that they could use as well as re-shingling the roof. James admits “it was a big job, and it’s definitely an experience!”

This year when the team goes, they will be removing cinder block steps while in turn replac­ing them with wooden steps, patching and repairing the roof, and repairing plumbing.

To pay for the mission trip Pat­rick will be collecting clothing for a sort of clothes drive through the ASPHome website. They are asking for gently worn clothing put in 13-gallon bags. Soft items are also accepted such as bedding, sheets, pillows, stuffed animals, purses, backpacks, and shoes.

They get paid per pound for the clothing that’s collected, and it will help to fund his jour­ney to Appalachia. Sul­livan was able to go last year and reports, “It was really fun, we got a really good family and they had three kids. It was just a re­ally cool experience!” Al­though his brother James couldn’t make it on the trip this year, he recalls last year when their mission team had a water balloon battle with the family they were helping.