Break a mirror; Prepare for seven years of bad luck

Broken mirrors always came with the saying “seven years of bad luck”. However, according to, in ancient Greece a mirror meant so much more. Mirror seers were brought in to analyze a person’s reflections in a mirror and determine their fate.

        According to Milton Goldsmith, a historian, the mirror was dipped in water and held up to a sick person and if the image was distorted, the person would die or if the image was clear the person would live.

     In first century A.D. the Romans added onto the mirror superstition. During this time it was believed that a person’s health changed every seven years. When a mirror broke, it was believed that people would have sevens years of ill misfortune rather than the death that the Greeks predicted. Today, many people still believe that a broken mirror could lead to seven years of bad luck.

     It is also believed that a mirror holds souls within; if the mirror shatters, so does the soul. Which is how the Evil Queen in Snow White was able to harm her, and why soulless vampires do not show up in mirrors.

    A way that the bad luck can be reversed is if whoever broke the mirror buries the pieces deep within the earth.