Cute Ways to Stay Warm

It’s that time of year again when the temperature has dropped and we’re stuck trying to find ways to keep warm. Well, now there’s a way! A perfect way to stay warm on a cold winter day is to warm up your piggies with fuzzy socks.
It’s finally snowing outside and schools are closed! It’s really cold outside and the hardwood floors aren’t helping. What to do? Slip on some fuzzy socks! A great way to wear the socks is straight out of the dryer.
On the scientific end of this topic, a lot of body heat is lost through the feet. Wearing socks (especially fuzzy ones) will help keep body temperatures high. Just one tip comes with wearing fuzzy socks: it’s a MUST to keep the feet dry or the socks won’t help at all.
One place to get great fuzzy socks is Dick’s Sporting Goods. These socks are called Cabin Socks.
“They definitely do not disappoint. I will be buying more in the future.”
Currently, Cabin Socks are $11.99 with a “buy one get one free” promotion.
Socks were first seen 8th century BC amongst the Ancient Greeks. They made their socks out of matted animal hair to keep warm. In 5th century AD, socks were called “puttees” and were worn to show purity. Then, by 1000 AD were a symbol of wealth among nobility. In 1589, there was knitting machine invented that made socks six times faster than they were made by hand.