What I wish I knew as a freshman

I was most surprised by…….

                            “How much I already knew.”- James Houck

                             “Not walking in lines.”  – Sierra Martin

                             “How nice everyone is.”- Hannah Parker

                             “How fun gym was.”- Samantha Brooks

                             “The amount of freedom given.”- Aubrey Williams

                            “ How many people there are in the hallways.”- Lane Kavanaugh

                              “The lunch changing everyday.”- Amanda Ryan

                            “How much time we have for class change, but how I understand why?” – Andrew Colguitt

                            “How big the school is.” – Caitlyn Radel

                          “ The amount of time you have between classes.”- Gabby Sewell

                           “ How many different times you have lunches.”- Ben Wilson

                           “ The cool fire alarm in the office.”- Brooke Rickey

                           “ How nice everyone is to everyone else even if we are freshman.”- Payton Stumpe

I wish I knew….

        “That no one really cares about anything.”- Payton Stumpe

       “ More about how the lunch schedule went.”- Gabby Sewell

      “  Short cuts to my classes.”- Caitlyn Radel

      “How many things to carry around.” – Lane Kavanaugh

      “ Where the bathrooms are.” – Amanda Ryan

     “ That classes were so long.”- Andrew Colguitt

I was scared by……

“ Nothing, I know everyone and everything  about the school,  because my mom worked here.” – Annie McCullough

“the fact i might get lost and get late to class.” –  Nicholas Giglio-Tos

“ the principal.” – James Mouck