What is it like to….go on a mission trip


Abby Renzulli, senior – “It is an experience that teaches you to never take for granted what you have. It is all about sharing your love and God’s love with people who need it the most.”

Ethan Beck, senior- “It was pretty incredible. I never have really done anything like that in my life and it really opened my eyes to other people’s problems”

Sarah Shuck, junior-”it was a really eye opening experience to be able to see how other people live and what they go through, i would definitely encourage anyone to go on one”

Julia birchfield, 8th grade-It’s a very scary, yet fulfilling experience. It’s scary, because you don’t know what you’re getting into, but once you get into it, it changes your life forever. You never forget what it was like to see those in need, and help change their lives.