Hard working school president, glorifying our school

Hard working school president, glorifying our school


The SGA has a powerhouse on board this year;  junior Hannah Herron is currently serving as the SGA president and junior class president. Taking on both of these jobs seems like it might leave her buried in work, she says she doesn’t mind doing it to benefit our school.

Herron said that having these jobs is great but, “There is a lot of work to do starting with homecoming. We have the theme picked out, and have fun things planned throughout the night. This year is going to be so exciting!” She states that there are so many advantages to when it comes to being both the SGA and junior class president.

“The advantage is that I get the opportunity to collaborate with the teachers and students to form new ideas, on how to improve the school, and school events. There is always something to be finished and it keeps me busy.”

Herron has tons of things planned for this year to make our fundraisers spirit filled and intriguing. “When I was little I thought fundraisers were fun-raisers. I want our fundraiser to be fun and get everyone pumped for the school year. We will be having a movie night October 15 at the school and a fundraiser at the Jarrettsville Creamery, October 1. These are great ways we can raise money, by still having fun,” said Herron.

Other fundraisers Herron has planned include Fillly Football; applications for the girls who are interested should be in the office soon according to Herron. Another big fundraiser Herron would like to draw attention to, is the Junior class Spaghetti Dinner. She would like to inform everyone that the entire school is invited to the dinner, because in previous years people thought it was only for juniors. “We will have great food and lots of fun,” exclaims Herron. She is also, going to make sure to try to reduce the price of prom tickets with all the fundraisers this year.

Herron is excited to embrace her positions in the student government by making some helpful changes to our school. Her goal is to try new things, starting with homecoming. “We will have an outdoor area that will allow the students to go outside instead of staying in the cafeteria the whole time.”

Herron said SGA meetings are held about once a month, and general assembly meetings about every two months. Herron mentions, “If anyone has any questions or suggestions just let me know! It is nice to get opinions from the rest if the school.”