Guide to proper concert etiquette; Refresher on being good audience member


Imagine you’re at your all-time favorite artist’s concert. You are having the time of your life, enjoying all the visuals, all the songs you have grown to cherish and love…when all of a sudden, an obnoxious fan directly in front of you shoots a ginormous sign right up in the air, blocking your view.

     This may not seem like a huge deal to anyone who isn’t a music lover, but it is an issue. A big one.

      Tickets to concerts are typically pretty expensive, depending on the artist or the seats you have. And, usually, people attend concerts of people they really enjoy and want to see perform live. A lot of money and preparation is spent to have a good time at concerts, so don’t be the person to ruin someone else’s anticipated and expensive experience.

      And, with concert season coming up, it’s only reasonable to give everyone a little reminder on what proper concert etiquette is, and why it is so important to perform it accordingly if you are attending any concerts soon.

      The best way to start a guide is to begin with out on what NOT to do. So, let’s do exactly that. First of all, like I mentioned before, do not obstruct anyone’s views with large posters or signs, stand up on chairs or go into the aisle to “get a better view,” or even wear a large hat that will end up standing in the way of someone behind yourselves’ view.

      Don’t talk through artists’ sets. It’s extremely disrespectful to the singer and disruptive to the people around you.

      Throwing things onto the stage – don’t do that either. It can stress out the artist, disrupt their choreography, or even just their performance in general. Another thing you should not do is try to sneak into a section that you do not have tickets for. You could steal someone’s seat, and you also did not pay that money for that section- so don’t slither into it.

      There’s a lot of examples of bad concert etiquette, but it all basically comes down to being a completely annoyingly distributive idiot.

      Just act right at a concert and be respectful of everyone there. The artist, the openers, security, as well as other fans attending the concert. Having bad concert etiquette does nothing but make you that annoying person and makes everyone else irritated, so just don’t be that person. It’s that simple.