
Programing is often synonymous with computers, games, factories, hospitals, and anything that has to do with technology. The use of programming language has impacted our lives in countless ways and that is why learning the language is critical to advancement.  One student who has actively pursued his interestin programming is senior Chaz Kerby.

Currently Kerby taking programming and he is loving every minute of it. He said he took programing because he “thought it would be fun and I liked it.”

The programming language, Java, is used the most and people use Java almost every day. People use it on their smartphones, computers, Google, and Android. The programming makes the most simplest things work, from swiping on the phone to looking up how do removing things from a phone on Google.

There are a lot of people in North Harford that take programing and want  a career within the field. Mr. McCormick, teaches the programming course and is described by Kerby as a  great teacher with a funny personality who will be able to help a student in any way.  “He always makes the class entertaining and interactive with movies and programs to make games work,” Kerby said.

Kerby has taken all the classes that programing is involved with and those are Programing 1, Programing 2, Programing 3, and AP Computer Science, but he says “I’m mostly self-taught.”

He also has a plan for the future in his programing career after high school. He said “I’m planning to go into applied programing and just general stuff like that.”

Chaz said that after he started to like programing, it became easier and easier and for most programmers, they would say the same.