Rodgers wants to take his band career


Playing instruments is a huge talent that takes a ton of skill. Sophomore Chad Rogers has taken playing bass to a whole new level.

Rodgers said the biggest reason he got into playing this instrument is because he thought it was a magnificent instrument.   The biggest reason Rogers continues playing this instrument is “watching videos on youtube and also watching tv orchestras.”

“To be able to stand up and be proud and also to be able to play a solo,” is the reason he loves playing. Rogers has performed at school and many other places such as in front of his family members and on his downtime. Rodgers loves to sit at home and practice the bass so he can perform in concert as good as possible.

“I love my bass teacher, he has taught me so much,” said Rogers.

He said of his bass teacher that he has been positively impacted by him. “My bass teacher really has influenced me,” said Rodgers, whose passion is to become a teacher and also a professional bass player like his teacher. He would like to show little kids and teens how to pursue his dream like he did. “I love to go to practice because it’s only one-on-one with me and my teacher and it actually feels like he is trying to help me, not just to do it for money,” said Rodgers.

Rodgers has played this instrument for five years. “I love to play and wished i have played for longer,” Rodgers said. “I really want to continue playing this instrument because it is my passion and I think I can make a career out of it.”

The adrenaline that comes with playing live music is appealing to Rogers.

“Some things that made me feel like I am on top of the world when I’m playing the bass are  when I perform a solo.”

All these these reasons contribute into Rogers playing this instrument these are all why Rodgers love it and is passionate about it. Playing any instrument is hard and it takes time, time that Rodgers likes to take out of his day.