Ashley Arnold- Queen of VSCO


A hobby is something someone does out of leisure. A niche is a position or activity that particularly suits somebody’s talents and personality or that somebody can make his or her own. What began as Ashley Arnold’s hobby has now turned into her niche.

Though she can generally be found in any local bookstore reading, or with her vinyl records on any given day, she is more than what meets the eye.

Arnold has two blogs on Tumblr, one for her opinions and one for her shared ideas and pictures, and frequently uses the app VSCO to post pictures. She reads her friends blogs as well as many famous blogs such as “The Messy Heads” to seek for ideas and inspiration

Arnold has put a twist on blogging. Anyone can look up a quote about love or read a report on someone’s opinion. Arnold however, has another idea in mind for her blog. “I tend to blog about stuff that makes me happy and way that can make it and others who read it better also, or just things I’m interested in like fashion, or veganism and even spirituality.

Arnold also doesn’t just take pretty photography with a valencia filter to pull it together. Her pictures are very different. Though she enjoys photography and displaying things that intrigue her, she rarely takes pictures of herself. It’s is usually a polaroid of an old Zeppelin record, crystals, or a landscape that she believes is breathtaking.

When asked about what she does or prefers the most, photography or writing she said, “I do both in a sense. I love writing on my blog and in my journals. I enjoy expressing my opinion and have it not really affect anyone but myself. And I love reading other people’s blogs. It’s a way for me to get inspired. Their ideas combined with what I believe makes me happy and helps me a lot in my blogs. Though I love taking pictures because it captures moments, and that’s priceless.”

Arnold may be shy in the hallways but she is far from being shy about her blogs and promoting inspirational ideologies. If ever in need of a pick-me-up quote, or a picture that sends chills, check her out on Tumblr, Vsco, or even Instagram. She has much to offer and it doesn’t hurt for a little inspiration.