Planning of school cafeteria menus

Emily Green, Reporter

Monday through Friday school lunches are provided for students across Harford County Public Schools. The process is taken care of by faculty members across the county, from elementary, middle, and high schools. The board also has a say in the menu as well, in order to make sure allergies and food restrictions are taken into account.

Mrs. Earliene Klapka, who oversees North Harford’s menu and its content, stated “It all is approved based on calories, salt, carbs, and sugars. Before the menu is printed, we have a nutritionist here who looks over the foods we put on the menu as well.” The ideas of what foods should be served to students is brainstormed by the faculty members from Harford County. “They all meet at the food service office and come up with meal ideas and it is then approved to be served at school cafeterias,” Klapka added.