Staff experiment on social media

Hannah Scheide and Lauren Seco, REPORTER

Hannah’s stats:

Times reached for the phone: 9

1 to show someone a video

3 in journalism for work

2 to text people

3 to check the time


My overall experience of this experiment was good, and I would definitely do it again because of how refreshing it was to not have to worry about my phone.  Through the seven hour time period that I didn’t have my phone, the amount of times I tried to go on it decreased.  Having access to my phone is not too important to me but I can see how it could be to others. Lastly, if I had been in my A day classes the amount of times I reached for my phone would have increased because I’m not allowed to have my phone in any of my B day classes anyway.





Lauren’s stats:

Times reached for phone from 7:20 to 2:00: 10 times

6 times out of reflex

1 time I tried to text my mom

1 time I wanted to show my friend a video

1 time I tried to look at HAC

1 time to try to prove my point when arguing about the logistics of Martian


Before I started this, I was nervous that I would need my phone to type on Word, to text my friends and family if there was an emergency, or if I needed to do a Kahoot. Throughout this experience, I’ve learned that I rely on my phone way too much, and I plan on putting time restrictions to wean myself off. I think it was cool to live in the moment without my phone which forced me to talk or simply exist within uncomfortable silences and make conversation when waiting for the teacher to unlock the door.   I would definitely like to try this again because I don’t want to think that I need my phone to live.