New softball coach; Getting used to the team

Grace Feldbush, Reporter

     New softball coach Christine Mullin is juggling changes due to coronavirus with the team.  

      “We plan to play as much as and as safely as we can,” Mullin states. She explains that they have been given protocols to follow to avoid the spread of Covid. According to Mullin, all coaches are required to wear masks, and players must wear masks as well when not physically exerting themselves. They also must stay six feet apart whenever possible.  

      “My goal this season is to put forth a highly competitive team,” Mullin says. She also explains that because of the isolation this past year, it is equally important to get players out and moving and support them emotionally as well. “On March 17th, we finished tryouts, and have decided on our JV and Varsity teams,” Mullin states. She says everyone is looking forward to starting practice.  

     According to Mullin they have limited the number of students allowed on the bus and are also allowing students to take their car to away games. “We can no longer allow high fives, fist bumps, and hugging. Players are also not allowed to have sunflower seeds at games,” Mullin states.  

      Mullin says games start April 9 and will only be playing Cecil County and Harford County this season. She is unsure if they will be able to hold a state championship due to the new rules. “Practices are held at North Harford High School and the field at North Harford Elementary School, and we are not allowed inside the school at all,” Mullin says. She says this creates problems because normally when the weather is bad, they can move practice into the gym, but they are unable to do that this year.  

     “I have always wanted to coach full time but was unable to due to my responsibilities and fluctuating schedule as a Maryland State Trooper,” Mullin says. She says right when she retired, she contacted Mr. Larrimore and offered to help. Mullin has played softball her entire life and says it kept her on the right path since she grew up in Baltimore City. She says it also helped her get into a good college, and she wants to help other players do the same as she did.  

      Mullin explains that coaching softball and juggling other responsibilities can be hard at times. Although retired from the Maryland State Police, she still works part-time for the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. She also has two high school kids and is thankful she has a husband who is willing to pick up the slack around the house once softball season starts. “Softball keeps me and my daughter busy and together all of the time, which is cool.  However, I often feel like I abandon my son.  It is important but not always easy to find the time to do fun things to do with him,” Mullin says.  

      Mullin thinks it is important for young people to get out and do fun team-oriented things. “I think high school sports are a great way to branch out, meet like-minded people and grow as an individual,” Mullin says. She says she is so happy that Harford County found a way to let athletes that lost their season last year a chance to play now.