He Said


October marks some of the best things of the school year including spirit week, pep rally, Halloween, football, and the change of the seasons. The Homecoming dance; however, is not one of them.
There is a million and one things for high school students to stress about. From grades and college applications to holding jobs and playing sports, a lot of students don’t have time to stress about anything else. Why would you get all worked up about something as little as Homecoming? To spend all your money and time worrying about any high school dance is stupid anyway, especially for Homecoming, where a couple hundred kids dress up to take pictures, listen to bad music, and rub their backsides up against each other in the school’s cafeteria.
Prom costs enough money as it is. You are throwing dollars down the drain spending hundreds on a dress or a hair-do when you’re going to do the same thing all over again in the spring.
Not to mention that everyone in the world scrambles around for a date, like the world would end if you do not have someone to go to homecoming with. In most cases you would have more fun going alone or with your friends and the need to have a date ends up tarnishing the experience for you. The whole craze behind how a boy asks is nuts as well. While I do agree it is not right to ask over a text message, boys should not always have to go so over the top with these things. I will put on the whole charade when I propose; not when I ask a girl to go with me to a dance.
I am not saying it is a bad idea to go, I normally attend every year. It is just not worth anyone’s time or money to get all worked up over this one night. Put on some nice clothes, take a couple pictures and hang out with your friends. High school is about making memories and I am all for squeezing all the fun out of every opportunity that arises. A lot of teens are so worried about making these memories perfect that they end up ruining their whole night worrying about stuff that does not matter, and little things that you won’t remember down the road.