North Harford or North Pole?

Look at your skin, and look closely.  Are you suffering from small, rough looking bumps all over your exposed skin?  Do you frequently have to rub your arms and legs vigorously to rid yourself of these bumps?  If you have said yes to either of these questions, you may be suffering from a severe case of goosebumps.

    If you are suffering from goosebumps, there is a large chance you are sitting in a classroom at North Harford High School.  Here in the Hawks Nest we frequently see children wearing 10 pound winter coats, along with mittens, snow pants, and the occasional hat with the pom pom on top, even though it is over 100 degrees outside.

    Our school can be compared to an arctic tundra of sorts.  The chilling blast of the overhead air conditioning vent is enough for any student to freeze from the inside out.

    Though one classroom is an exception to these Alaskan-like temperatures, and that is Mr. Scarborough’s room.  Oh yes, the room in which  everyone desires to be- a place where students can throw off those mittens and hats, and enjoy the tropical climate.  Here you can imagine lying on the beach in the hot sand, and hearing waves crash on the shore.

    However, not every student is fortunate enough to end up in this toaster of a classroom.

    Instead, students get a brief, 6 minute relief from the numbing classrooms during class change.  The hallways are a vanity that all students, and even teachers, get to enjoy every 80 minutes.  Nevermind the crowds, the pushing, the shoving, the screaming.  It is warm.  And that is all a freezer-burnt student could ask for.

  In the mean time, and for the sake of our students, let the future nurses know how to treat frostbite, because as of right now, it’s an epidemic.