Saving lives abroad and in our halls

Name: Ms. Joanne Gallion

Position: School Nurse

How many years in teaching: 9 months

How many years teaching in HarCo: 9 months

Favorite part about job: “Getting to know the students. After providing them with their medical needs, sitting down and talking with them before sending them back to class.”

Funniest moment during work day: “When I am sitting at my desk and I heard the walkie talkie say, ‘Who drove the tractor here today?’ And the other time when someone accidently left their walkie talkie on while mowing the lawn. The little things that make this school special and different then other places I’ve been.”

What students would be surprised to hear: “I spent last summer (2012),living in the Philippines for two months in a home for sexually abused girls. I went on my own, and it was a great experience. ”