Celebrating holidays

Celebrating the winter holidays is something practiced around the world, and each culture has different traditions.

According to whychristmas.com, in Romania the celebrations start on December 20 and end on January 7 participate in St. Ignatius’s Day. It is tradition that every family keep pigs on their property, one is killed on the start date of their celebration. The meats is to be used for the Christmas meals. It is also tradition for someone to dress up as a goat, with a colorful mask, and go around singing with the carolers. The goat is know as Capra and his role is to jump and dance and get into mischief.

According to whychristmas.com, in Greece it is custom for young boys to go out and sing ‘kalanda’ in the streets of their towns. They also go around with drums, triangles, and carry model boats decorated with painted gold nuts. The boat is a representation of the old custom in the Greek Islands. If the children sing well, they are given money, nuts, sweets, and dried figs to eat and enjoy.

According to whychristmas.com, in Brazil children leave their socks near a window and if Papai Noel, their version of Santa Claus, finds your socks, he exchanges it for a present. Also it is usually to find fireworks going off on Christmas Eve.