Football – November

The North Harford Hawks football team ended their season with a winning score of 31-27 against the Perryville Panthers.
“The Perryville game was definitely the game of the year,” said Coach Liebel. “Seniors always remember their last high school football game.”
It was fitting that the season ended with such an exciting game. Senior Braden Stinar threw a touchdown in the last second of the game to wide receiver Kyle Keating.
“There’s a lot I could say about this team,” said senior captain Scott Angstadt. “But if I had to say one thing, it would be that the season was bumpy but we finished strong and accomplished what we needed to.”
Liebel is very appreciative about being able to work with this team.
“I think this was the closest team I’ve ever been on in football,” said senior captain Brian Albrecht. “We had a lot of talent and it showed throughout the season.”
The seniors will be missed but Liebel is excited about working with returning players next year and continuing to grow and improve.