
With the wrestling season coming to an end, it’s time to start thinking about next year. The seniors are leaving and the coaches need to look out for next year’s talent. According to Coach Heeter, Richard Novilla and Brian Griffin are his choice for the up and coming JV wrestlers.

Novilla scored first place in the first tournament and pinned his opponent in less than 20 seconds in the Kent County tournament. Griffin has been wrestling with varsity and scored 1st in the first and in the second tournament.

“I liked the last tournament at Patterson Mill.” said Griffin. “Everyone did really well there and I took first. It was a really fun match.”

Like any up and coming athlete, both have a varsity player they look up to. Griffin looks up to senior Angelo Koulatsos for his strong and smart wrestling skills and Novilla looks up to Will Sadowski.

“I look up to Will Sadowski because he’s a close friend of mine,” said Novilla. “He’s also a really hard worker.”

Both plan on preparing for the season next year by participating in off-season wrestling to improve their skills.

“I was going to try to go to some wrestling camps over the summer to prepare for next year’s wrestling season,” said Griffin

Novilla and Griffin are considering wrestling after they graduate high school but haven’t given it much thought. Both love the sport and are looking forward to next years season.